Art Key Groups

All areas of our curriculum at Boldon School, is successfully adapted, designed and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of all students. Each subject area develops their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do this with increasing fluency and independence.

Our teachers check pupils’ understanding systematically, identify misconceptions accurately and provide clear, direct feedback. They respond and adapt their teaching as necessary without unnecessarily elaborate or individualised approaches. This is to get the very best outcomes for our students whether they are SEND, disadvantaged or to challenge our higher ability students. This will ensure that students are ready for their next stage of education, employment or training to gain qualifications that allow them to go on to destinations that meet their interests and aspirations and the intention of their course of study.

How the art Curriculum supports our SEND students:

The Department for Education states, ‘Children and young people with SEND all have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children and young people of the same age. These children and young people may need extra or different help from that given to others.’

Boldon School is an inclusive school where every student is encouraged to develop a thirst for knowledge, to enjoy their curriculum and feel valued as a member of our school community. We are committed to the progress, inclusion and resilience of each student and support the learning journey that they require. Our curriculum is successfully adapted, designed or developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of pupils with SEND, developing their knowledge, skills and abilities to apply what they know and can do with increasing fluency and independence across all subject areas.

Students with SEND are supported in art by teachers setting out suitable learning challenges for all abilities. The curriculum also provides solutions for overcoming barriers that may present challenges to SEND students. This can be in the form of learning support assistants, modified practical resources, extended demonstrations or specific step by step instructions. For students with sound and light sensitivity, teachers will accommodate needs through considered seating arrangements and thoughtful positioning of resources. Whilst art is generally considered a visual subject, we endevour to stimulate all learners with a curriculum that supports students of all learning styles. 

How the art Curriculum supports our disadvantaged students:

The Secretary of State for Education set out the government’s national plan to support children and young people to reach their full potential, regardless of their backgrounds. With an overarching goal and aim of improving social mobility through education, and delivering better educational and career outcomes more evenly across England.

At Boldon School we have 50% of our students with high levels of deprivation, but strive to raise the attainment and aspirations of all students regardless of social background. We have a robust allocation system of pupil premium funding to obtain the most successful outcomes for our students and to narrow the gaps in attainment across all subject areas.

Disadvantaged students will have access to a wide range of resources which are provided free of charge by the faculty. This includes art supplies, photography equipment and additional materials needed to complete key stage four coursework and examinations. Students are also invited to come back to the art rooms after school to complete homework or activities for pleasure, with full access to resources. Art trips are provided by the faculty to allow all students to experience the culture and enrichment that visiting galleries and museums offer. These are fully funded for any students who require this.

How the art Curriculum supports our higher ability students:

HM Chief Inspector stated, If we are going to succeed as an economy and as a society, we have to make more of our most able young people. We need them to become the political, commercial and professional leaders of tomorrow. 

At Boldon school we aim to nurture scholastic excellence through a challenging curriculum where the work given to students is demanding and matches the aims of the curriculum in being coherently planned and sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge. We recognise the need to stretch and challenge all students but especially our MAT and higher ability students to obtain maximum progress.

Higher ability students are supported in art by encouraging them to critically analyse and interpret the work of diverse artists. Students with a natural flair for the subject will be supported in their creativity, with teachers fully invested in allowing them to explore their own styles and ideas. We do not necessarily believe that high ability students should be given ‘more’ work, but that they should be given more challenges within our already robust curriculum. This can take the form of differentiating tasks such as asking them to compare and contrast two portraits, as opposed to analysing just one. More able students will also benefit hugely from trips to museums and galleries which will further ignite their interest in the world of art. These excursions will also provide them with the chance to explore the career opportunities within this creative area.