Boldon School hope that all students will be successful in their examinations.  To ensure that examinations run as smoothly as possible, there are a number of rules and regulations that you must be aware of. Students will be taking public examinations at various times during years 10 & 11, either controlled assessments or full GCSE’s and/or BTEC’s.

This can be a stressful time for students and parents and it is imperative that all those involved are as well informed as possible. Well-informed students will realise that the rules and regulations are in place to ensure fairness and to minimise disturbance and it is in the interest of all that the examinations run smoothly. Boldon School will make every effort to ensure that candidates receive the best possible preparation for their examinations, that the administrative arrangements run smoothly, and that the examinations are conducted in a way that will cause as little stress as possible and help students to achieve their best.

Students are expected to attend school as normal while examinations are taking place however students may be allowed to leave school at the end of any afternoon examination so may arrive home either early or late depending on the length of the examination. If your child has been entered for an examination and is absent for reasons other than sickness you may be charged the entry fee.

The information on this page is intended to inform about examination processes and procedures and to answer some of the most frequently asked questions to help to guide and support students and parents through the examination process.

  • If you require any further information or have any queries please contact our Examinations Officer: Mrs L Harmer


Year 10 Mock Exam Information


Preparing for and Sitting Your Examinations

The following documents offer help and advice on how to prepare for your examinations and let you know what is expected of you during your examinations:

As well as the documents above there will be informational posters displayed in and around the examination venue when you arrive for your examinations (please see examples below).  It is essential that the instructions on these posters are followed to ensure that your examination entry is not invalidated.

What to do if you are ill on the Day of an Examination
  • You MUST attend all examinations that are scheduled on your individual examination timetable. Misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory reason for absence.
  • You will be expected to pay if you fail to attend an examination that you have been entered for by the school unless you provide medical evidence within 7 days of the scheduled examination.
  • If you miss an examination due to illness: –
  • You must telephone the school on 0191 5362176 as soon as possible on the morning of the examination

You must provide medical evidence addressed to the Examinations Officer within seven days of the examination you missed (otherwise you will be invoiced for the missed examination).

Year 11 Mock Timetable

Dec-Jan Yr 11 Mock exam timetable 2025.xlsx – Sheet1

Other Useful Information

AQA (web link) –

JCQ (web link) –

LIBF (web link) –

OCR (web link) –

Pearson (web link) –

WJEC (web link) –

JCQ Information Posters