Year 9 Future Pathways 2025

In September 2025 you will commence the transition into the next step of your education. This brochure provides information about the courses offered in KS4.

Students will follow examination courses in English Language & Literature, Maths and Combined Science. Students will continue in a non- examined core PE curriculum to maintain a healthy lifestyle and build on their education in PSHE and RSE.

We want to offer every student a curriculum which is appropriate to their individual needs. With this in mind, you will follow a curriculum pathway which reflects these changes and is based upon your prior and current level of attainment. We are here to support you and your needs, as you embark on your future pathways.


Key Dates: To be confirmed

  • Students will be guided by subject teachers to make informed choices for their future pathways. Students will receive their individualised Future Pathways Booklet  outlining each subject, students will attend presentations where key information will be delivered.
  • Students will also have the opportunity to ‘try out’ a range of choices in our new ‘Future Pathways Taster Sessions.’ They will gain a flavour as to what the lessons will entail and the type of work expected to complete.
  • Parents/ carers are invited to attend (with your child) our Future Pathways Option Event where you can discuss choices with subject teachers, ask any questions and see first hand the curriculum offered to confirm the choices your child would like to make. THIS IS A PROMPT 5.30pm START for presentations followed by the opportunity to visit subject areas and discuss options with staff and students.
  • Options Online opens for option choices to be requested.


Please click the links below to view both Blue and White Future Pathway Booklets:

BLUE Future Pathways

WHITE Future Pathways

Options Online website link:

Options Online Link