Religious Education

All of our RE staff are graduates of Religious Studies and as such are passionate about this subject. We offer an unbiased approach to the study of religion as we are keen to allow our students to be open minded and free to question issues and beliefs as we present them. Boldon Colliery is considered to be less ethnically diverse than the UK average and therefore, we feel it is vital to introduce students to the many differences within wider society and to teach them how to appreciate and celebrate them. 

In year 7 and 8 students will explore ideas about the importance of learning RE in schools, belief in God, and aspects from world religions such as Buddhism and Islam. We find our students are intrigued by the Eastern cultures and fascinated by the bright vibrant images and philosophy. At Boldon we encourage collaborative learning and healthy debate within lessons. As a department we have an extensive range of artefacts which can be handled by the students, enhancing learning, provoking questioning and giving students access to a more real experience.  

We feel real experiences are so important to our students that as a department we offer an annual trip to Poland where we will visit Auschwitz and meet directly with a camp survivor who shares their story. This has a profound impact on our students and is an experience they will always remember. We are always so proud of how our students approach this event with sensitivity and maturity. 

Boldon is one of a few local schools who offer RE at GCSE because we do see the value in this for our students. We are equipping them with an understanding of other people which can only enhance their future lives no matter what they decide to do post Boldon. Our students are exposed to so much on social media, from, terrorism, animal cruelty complex relationships, crime and gender issues to name but a few. RE tackles these issues head on and provides students with a safe environment to explore their own views and ask questions. 

RE provides space and opportunity for self-reflection in a way no other academic subject allows.

Year 7Year 8Year 9Year 10Year 11
Half Term 1

Introduction to RE.

Life after death.

Good versus evil.

Component 1 Christian Beliefs

Component 1: Buddhist or Jewish Beliefs

Half Term 2


Life after death.

Does suffering make it impossible to believe in God?

Theme A: Religion and Relationships

Component 1 Buddhist or Jewish Practices

Half Term 3

Does God exist and can we prove it?

How do the
arts express

Religion and
the media.

Theme A: Religion and Relationships


Half Term 4

Does God exist and can we prove it?

How do the
arts express

Moral issues: Animals and the environment.

Component 1: Christian Practices


Half Term 5

Islam – The Five Pillars.

The life of the

Moral issues: prejudice and discrimination.

Theme B: Religion and Life


Half Term 6

Islam – The Five Pillars.

The life of the

What are Thematic Studies?

Theme B: Religion and Life


Year 7

Half Term 1

Introduction to RE.

Half Term 2


Half Term 3

Does God exist and can we prove it?

Half Term 4

Does God exist and can we prove it?

Half Term 5

Islam – The Five Pillars.

Half Term 6

Islam – The Five Pillars.

Year 8

Half Term 1

Life after death.

Half Term 2

Life after death.

Half Term 3

How do the
arts express

Half Term 4

How do the
arts express

Half Term 5

The life of the

Half Term 6

The life of the

Year 9

Half Term 1

Good versus evil.

Half Term 2

Does suffering make it impossible to believe in God?

Half Term 3

Religion and
the media.

Half Term 4

Moral issues: Animals and the environment.

Half Term 5

Moral issues: prejudice and discrimination.

Half Term 6

What are Thematic Studies?

Year 10

Half Term 1

Component 1 Christian Beliefs

Half Term 2

Theme A: Religion and Relationships

Half Term 3

Theme A: Religion and Relationships

Half Term 4

Component 1: Christian Practices

Half Term 5

Theme B: Religion and Life

Half Term 6

Theme B: Religion and Life

Year 11

Half Term 1

Component 1: Buddhist or Jewish Beliefs

Half Term 2

Component 1 Buddhist or Jewish Practices

Half Term 3


Half Term 4


Half Term 5


Half Term 6
