On this page you will find useful links and resources to support your child with remote learning.
Remote learning curriculum.
From the first day students are required to work from home we expect students to follow their normal timetable and complete tasks or attend lessons virtually through Google Meet. These online lessons shall be approximately 45-50 minutes in length and student participation shall be expected and follow up checks may take place if staff have concerns. There may be slight alterations to students timetables for example in Core PE students may be given activities to work through independently to support their fitness and wellbeing.
We would expect your child to be working and engaged for 4-5 hours every day they are learning remotely with breaks away from a screen as per their normal timetable. We also expect your child to submit any and all work set for them through their Google classroom to allow for staff to assess progress made.
Remote learning for isolating students.
Where students are isolating and the majority of their peer group remains in school work shall be shared with students directly either through Google classroom or by email.
Additional support for students with particular needs.
If a young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) there will be regular communication (either via email or telephone) between at least one member of the Learning Support Team and the young person and their family to provide a regular welfare check as well as to support with work provided. This support will be as and when required for the duration of their isolation period.
Useful links
Below you can find links, useful advice and resources to support your child with remote learning.
Your child has access to Google’s full suite of resources through their Google for Education account. They should know their log in details and password.
If you or your child require support logging in to Google classroom or the parent overview- smart parent then please follow the links below.
Google classroom
Smart parent
All parents were issued with a PIN to allow them to set up a smart parent account linked to their child. Smart parent allows parents to have an overview of work set and submitted and attendance. To log in to smart parent follow the link below.
If you or your child require help with user names, passwords or PINs please contact the school using the link below:
How work shall be set and submitted
Over the past year the school has contacted parents a number of times to ascertain if students had sole access to internet enabled IT which they could use in the event of a school closure or a remote learning episode. There are now no students we are aware of who do not have sole access to a device they can use to stay in contact with the school and their teachers.
The school has invested in Google for Education and has spent significant time training staff and students how to use this resource day to day and in the event of any further disruption to education.
Teachers shall communicate with students using google classroom which is associated to their google account. All work shall be set and submitted in this manner. Staff shall endeavor to set a range of activities such as PowerPoints, videos, quizzes, internet searches, questions, recorded video lessons and live lessons and students shall be expected to engage in these lessons as they would during a normal school day.
Support websites
In order to support your child make outstanding progress please use the links below to read around any topics you or they may be having difficulty with. You can also contact teachers directly through google classroom or by email to ask questions. Staff shall endeavour to get back to you as soon as they can to help you support the learning.