Maths Key Stage 4

In year 10 begin their GCSE course. Students will sit their GCSEs with AQA at the end of the course. End of topic tests are tailor-made to include AQA exam questions and students will sit full GCSE papers at each of the three assessment periods in the year. Retrieval and recall opportunities are a feature of every lesson ensuring work from previous years is not forgotten. The skills embedded in key stage 3 provide the foundation for success at key stage 4, new learning is built on prior knowledge. Students’ progress is closely monitored with intervention and regularly set changes employed to ensure each student reaches their full potential.

In year 11, students complete the GCSE specification with final decision made on whether to sit foundation or higher tier. Revision, recall and retrieval are central to each lesson. Students strengths and weaknesses are analysed regularly and their learning and participation in intervention is tailored accordingly. Students’ progress is tracked, each student is provided with individual performance data to facilitate independent learning. Students will access exam papers to provide exam practice and will hone revision techniques with lots of exposure to exam questions. There are 3 assessment periods periods conducted like mock exams as well as opportunities to complete parts of exam papers both at home and in lessons. Feedback from these exam papers is central to helping students progress and reach their full potential.

AQA Mathematics Foundation specification

Key Concepts

Fluency with numeracy and calculations


Develop algebraic thinking and manipulation of algebraic expressions

Applying problems in various concepts.

Develop mathematical reasoning

Retrieval and recall

Autumn Term


Review calculation methods to ensure fluency.

Review of standard form and calculating with standard form.

Manipulating algebraic expressions. Factorising quadratics and using formulae.

More complex geometric reasoning to include multistep angle problems, extending trigonometry and Pythagoras’ Theorem’ and applying to a variety of problems and settings.

Collecting and manipulating data.

Calculating averages from tables and graphs whilst comparing data sets.

Higher ability students will study using negative and fractional indices, simplifying expressions with surds and trigonometry with non right angled triangles.

Review and recall key elements from the exam specification:

  • Fluency with calculations
  • Standard form
  • Manipulating algebraic expressions
  • Multistep problems with angles
  • Trigonometry

Higher ability students will study drawing and interpreting algebraic and real life graphs:

  • Cubic, reciprocal and exponential graphs
  • Solving simultaneous equations graphically
  • Graphic trigonometric functions.
Quality Mark Assessments



Angles and construction

Full mock exam exam sittings of past papers.

4 unit tests with focussed assessments based on the

Spring Term


Review of problems with fractions, decimals and percentage. Finding reverse percentage and compound interest. Higher ability students will convert recurring decimals to fractions.
Solving problems with ratio and proportion, higher ability students will study direct and inverse proportion.
Solving problems with algebra in shape including in angle settings. Higher ability students will solve quadratic equations by factorising or using the quadratic formula.
Complex area and perimeter problems including compound shapes. Review of areas of 2D shapes including area and circumference of circles and parts of circles. Volume and surface area of prisms including cylinders. Higher ability students will look at volume and surface area of hemispheres and frustums.
Solve problems with similar shapes and identifying congruent triangles including justifying why they are congruent.

Functions and algebraic proof


Revision of all GCSE topics in preparation for exam.

Quality Mark Assessments




2 full mock exam sittings of past papers

Summer Term


Review of previous probability topics, students will be taught how to solve probability problems with tree diagrams. Higher ability students will solve problems with conditional probability.
Review plotting linear graphs. Finding the gradient and y intercept of lines and using this to find the equation of a line. Plotting quadratic graphs and identifying roots and turning points. Higher ability students will look at cubic graphs and reciprocal graphs.
Review of transformations and describing transformations. Enlarging shapes with fractional scale factors. Using vectors and calculating with them. Higher ability students will explore vector geometry.

Exam Preparation

Quality Mark Assessments

Area and Volume


Exam Preparation


Key Concepts

Fluency with numeracy and calculations


Develop algebraic thinking and manipulation of algebraic expressions

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


Review calculation methods to ensure fluency.

Review of standard form and calculating with standard form.

Manipulating algebraic expressions. Factorising quadratics and using formulae.

More complex geometric reasoning to include multistep angle problems, extending trigonometry and Pythagoras’ Theorem’ and applying to a variety of problems and settings.

Collecting and manipulating data.

Calculating averages from tables and graphs whilst comparing data sets.

Higher ability students will study using negative and fractional indices, simplifying expressions with surds and trigonometry with non right angled triangles.

Quality Mark Assessments



Angles and construction

Spring Term


Review of problems with fractions, decimals and percentage. Finding reverse percentage and compound interest. Higher ability students will convert recurring decimals to fractions.
Solving problems with ratio and proportion, higher ability students will study direct and inverse proportion.
Solving problems with algebra in shape including in angle settings. Higher ability students will solve quadratic equations by factorising or using the quadratic formula.
Complex area and perimeter problems including compound shapes. Review of areas of 2D shapes including area and circumference of circles and parts of circles. Volume and surface area of prisms including cylinders. Higher ability students will look at volume and surface area of hemispheres and frustums.
Solve problems with similar shapes and identifying congruent triangles including justifying why they are congruent.
Quality Mark Assessments




Summer Term


Review of previous probability topics, students will be taught how to solve probability problems with tree diagrams. Higher ability students will solve problems with conditional probability.
Review plotting linear graphs. Finding the gradient and y intercept of lines and using this to find the equation of a line. Plotting quadratic graphs and identifying roots and turning points. Higher ability students will look at cubic graphs and reciprocal graphs.
Review of transformations and describing transformations. Enlarging shapes with fractional scale factors. Using vectors and calculating with them. Higher ability students will explore vector geometry.
Quality Mark Assessments

Area and Volume



Key Concepts

Applying problems in various concepts.

Develop mathematical reasoning

Retrieval and recall

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


Review and recall key elements from the exam specification:

  • Fluency with calculations
  • Standard form
  • Manipulating algebraic expressions
  • Multistep problems with angles
  • Trigonometry

Higher ability students will study drawing and interpreting algebraic and real life graphs:

  • Cubic, reciprocal and exponential graphs
  • Solving simultaneous equations graphically
  • Graphic trigonometric functions.
Quality Mark Assessments

Full mock exam exam sittings of past papers.

4 unit tests with focussed assessments based on the

Spring Term


Functions and algebraic proof


Revision of all GCSE topics in preparation for exam.

Quality Mark Assessments

2 full mock exam sittings of past papers

Summer Term


Exam Preparation

Quality Mark Assessments

Exam Preparation