Performing Arts KS4

What We Learn In Key Stage 4 Performing Arts

In Year 10 the students will be introduced to their first unit of work – ‘Performing’. Within this unit they must analyse a specific brief in order to rehearse and perform a specific piece of existing work. They can approach this unit through different routes, ranging from musical theatre to music technology. All students must show an ability to research, reflect, plan, perform and evaluate. 

In Year 11 the students will complete the remaining two units. The first of these is based on the skill of ‘Creation’. The individual can choose their particular area of focus, including backstage options such as lighting, props and costume design. They then have the opportunity to develop an entirely original piece, documenting and evaluating their process throughout. The final unit is an external assessment where students will respond to a commissioned brief through ‘Practice’. This will allow them to show an understanding of the business and management sectors of the industry. 

Link to specification:

Term 1

Unit 1 – Introduction to chosen show / play. 

Research key elements of the production – i.e. writers / venues / music / themes / genre / characters

Create an action plan for rehearsal and performance

Quality Mark Assessments.

Term 2

Complete rehearsals for chosen pieces (solo or in groups). 

Record process with both video and diary evidence within a reflective journal. Identify areas for improvement and discuss feedback given.

Unit 3 – Release of external assessment brief. 

Understand factors which influence the creation of performance work. 

Creation, promotion and pitching of performance work.

Quality Mark Assessments

Quality Mark Assessments.

Term 3

Perform final pieces and receive feedback. 

Complete evaluation and discuss what can be improved in future performances. 

Complete rehearsals for the end of year showcase. 

Begin looking at Unit 2 requirements.

Quality Mark Assessment.

Term 1

Unit 2- Students to select a discipline in performance or production. Exploration of selection and development of an original piece. 

Create own work which shows communication, creativity (including quality of original ideas), development of ideas and appropriate health and safety.

Review, reflect and refine work. 

Quality Mark Assessments.

Term 3

Evaluating and reflecting on work.

Quality Mark Assessments.


Term 1

Unit 1 – Introduction to chosen show / play. 

Research key elements of the production – i.e. writers / venues / music / themes / genre / characters

Create an action plan for rehearsal and performance

Quality Mark Assessments.

Term 2

Complete rehearsals for chosen pieces (solo or in groups). 

Record process with both video and diary evidence within a reflective journal. Identify areas for improvement and discuss feedback given.

Quality Mark Assessments

Term 3

Perform final pieces and receive feedback. 

Complete evaluation and discuss what can be improved in future performances. 

Complete rehearsals for the end of year showcase. 

Begin looking at Unit 2 requirements.

Quality Mark Assessment.


Term 1

Unit 2- Students to select a discipline in performance or production. Exploration of selection and development of an original piece. 

Create own work which shows communication, creativity (including quality of original ideas), development of ideas and appropriate health and safety.

Review, reflect and refine work. 

Quality Mark Assessments.

Term 2

Unit 3 – Release of external assessment brief. 

Understand factors which influence the creation of performance work. 

Creation, promotion and pitching of performance work.

Quality Mark Assessments.

Term 3

Evaluating and reflecting on work.

Quality Mark Assessments.