Core PE Key Stage 3

In Year 7, our aim is to ‘create a love for physical education’ through a broad and balanced curriculum that builds on the knowledge, skills and understanding from Key Stage 2. Students will take part in a range of baseline activities that will focus on their ability to outwit opponents, demonstrate their skills in various activities, lead others and show initiative in problem solving activities. This will dictate their PE pathway across Year 7. We aim to provide an enjoyable experience where students develop a thirst for knowledge. They follow a prescribed curriculum where they will have the opportunity to take part in games activities, developing their knowledge for the game, the skills involved and tactics that can be applied. Students will all take part in a leadership unit and set their own targets for improvement in health related exercise. Gymnastics and swimming will allow students to look at their techniques and analysis of performance. Athletics will be introduced within track and field for students to attain their personal best and strive to improve this each year in Key Stage 3.

In Year 8, our aim is for students to ‘develop skills, embed knowledge and understanding’ across a range of activities. Some activities they will have experienced in Year 7 and other new activities will require them to apply the foundations learned previously in order to succeed and progress. We will introduce students to a sports education model, where they will work as a team to assign roles and responsibilities in a fun and competitive environment, working together and building up their achievements each week. Students will develop their chosen roles as the manager, warm up coach, statistician, match reporter or skills developer. Officiating will be introduced to learn new aspects within a game, along with dance activities in a range of styles and personal survival in the pool. As well as further development in activities like rugby, gymnastics (parkour), netball, athletics and cricket.

In Year 9, our aim is for students to ‘broaden their sporting experiences’ by offering a larger range of sports that they have not had the opportunity to try along with a range of roles in these sports. Students will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding, participate in problem solving activities as well as opportunities to evaluate performance and improve their personal bests but through new sports like volleyball, basketball, urban rebounding, clubbercise, handball, american football and officiate tournaments in badminton. Students will choose as a group the pool activity they would like to persue – aqua aerobics, water polo or a lifeguarding qualification. We also build on their confidence in leadership by allowing students to choose the activity they would like to lead to a group of peers.  This will allow students to experience an element of choice which is the foundations of their Key Stage 4 curriculum in Year 10.

Year 7Year 8Year 9
Key Concepts

Creating a Love for Physical Education

Developing skills, embedding knowledge and understanding

Broadening Sporting Experiences

Autumn Term


Baseline assessments

Transition Unit building on skills, knowledge and understanding at KS2, demonstrating current level of performance across a range of areas. Students will develop their knowledge in setting up and conducting fitness tests as well as strengthening their skills and tactical awareness across a range of sports

Students will have the opportunity to develop communication and peer analysis skills, as well as their knowledge of rules football and netball, through participating in a sport education model. In addition, students’ decision-making and technical skills will also be used in order to help overcome opposition in direct competition.

In rugby, students will build on their learning from year 7 and develop their knowledge on strategy and outwitting opponents through effective team shape and structure.

Students will develop their knowledge in Urban Rebounding through a range of muscular and aerobic endurance exercises. They will use this to create and evaluate their own session incorporating a range of exercises.


Students will perform skills more consistently in Rugby, be a role model to others through their passion for the game and explore a range of more advanced techniques and tactics.

Students will experience Volleyball to learn and perform a new range of skills to outwit opponents. They will develop their understanding of positional play,  when and how to perform particular shots

Quality Mark Assessments

To evaluate their performance in fitness tests against set data, describing how they can improve.

Analysis of a peers performance with ideas to improve

The rules of a new sport and how can you adapt the tactics from previously learned sports to help you succeed

Autumn Term


Students will develop their analytical and evaluation skills by identifying strengths and areas for improvement across Netball or Rugby. Lessons are structured on skill development and then applied the next lesson in a game situation to outwit opponents. A range of problem solving tasks will be attempted and students should demonstrate a desire to learn and encourage others in lessons.

Students will gain an understanding on the role of the official/s in badminton and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge through accurate application of rules and regulations. Students will learn the hand signals as well as learning how to explain certain decisions being made. 

Students will experience personal survival which will provide both physical and intellectual challenges, with the chance to develop necessary team working and problem-solving skills. Students will learn self-rescue skills as well as the Water Safety Code.

Students will develop their understanding of the rules in Table Tennis/ Netball Officiating. They will show confidence when applying the rules and have a greater technical awareness. Students should be able to replicate the skills taught and apply in a game, following the instruction of the official.


Students will experience Clubbercise to perform movements with 100% effort. Students will increase their aerobic fitness and understand the effect this has on their heart rates including their recovery rate. Students coordination and movement memory will be explored and expanded.

Students will play in badminton tournaments demonstrating their knowledge of rules and regulations gained throughout KS3. Students will play competitive games, analysing their opponents to gain an advantage, showing a range of different techniques and tactics

Quality Mark Assessments

Description of various positions and how these will benefit the game against opponents.

Performance of hand signals and correct terminology during officiating

Analysis of confidence when officiating. Why is it important to be confident- what benefit will that have on the whole game?

Spring Term


Students gain the knowledge to set their own targets and fitness goals through Health Related Exercise. They will strive to attain their personal best. Students understand the difference between muscular and aerobic endurance exercises, and how to measure their working heart rate.

They have the responsibility to create and implement their own warm ups and lead these to their peers during Football Leadership. Students will develop self confidence and respect towards their peers alongside their skill application and tactical awareness to outwit opponents in football.

Students will enhance their knowledge of actions, dynamics and space elements, progressing on to being able to apply this learning into a choreography. Students will perform different styles of dance and therefore understand how music is composed based on feelings, mood, music etc. 

Students will develop their technique for a range of creative movements in trampolining. To enable this, they will learn how to analyse their own, and their peers’ performance. Students will be able to compare their and others’ performance against their previous, whilst demonstrating a determination to work as a part of a group

Students will begin to develop a passion for American Football and will quickly understand the concept of the game. They will practice different skills and develop plays, highlighting their leadership qualities, knowledge and skill set.


Basketball skills will be introduced and developed through small-sided practices and tournaments. Students will understand defensive concepts such as man to man and zonal defence. They will use their knowledge and skills, alongside agility and power to become an effective team player within the sport. 

During pool options students will use their components of fitness to gain a competitive edge over others during games like water polo/ volleyball in the pool. They will complete various exercises using the correct technique to improve their performance. Or students may opt to take part in aqua aerobics where they will develop both their muscular and aerobic endurance in the pool.

Quality Mark Assessments

Planning an appropriate warm up

Exploration of a range of dance styles, describing key differences.

New rules: what are they? How do they affect your game play?

Spring Term


Students will work with others to create routines in Gymnastics with a range of balances and travelling movements. They will understand empathy, listen and provide feedback to develop their technique and therefore improve performance.

Students will be encouraged to improve their confidence in water by applying teaching points in a range of strokes.They should give 100% to develop their technique in Swimming

Students will participate in parkour and gymnastics, progressing from the learning of a range of skills in year 7. Students will gain the confidence and skills to create a routine, embedding their knowledge of precision and control, linking movements together to show fluency and accuracy. Students will gain insight to recognising effective performance, regardless of ability.

Students take ownership of their learning during leadership. They can choose the activity they would like to individually lead in. Students deliver sports sessions, delegate tasks and communicate effectively to become a confident, organized and responsible sports leader.


Students will understand the different formations and tactics when playing handball. Students will demonstrate effective jump shots and defensive techniques. They will give team talks and advise their team on how to improve.

During Trampolining

students will recall teaching points from basic moves learnt in previous years. They will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses and give constructive feedback. Students will produce more complex routines incorporating challenging moves like front somersaults.

Quality Mark Assessments

A poster on the safety procedures in Boldon School Pool

Analysis of their contribution to a routine and how they can improve their own performance both creatively and physically.

Choose your own activity to lead. Plan session and evaluate performance of peers and self

Summer Term


Students will work individually to improve their performance and techniques in Athletics. They will participate in a range of track and field events, recording their scores to try and improve their personal best across Key Stage 3. Students are encouraged to motivate others to achieve their best.They will identify their strengths and give ways to improve these.

Students will be able to explain techniques for a range of athletics track and field events. As well as explaining, students will have the opportunity to compete against their scores from the previous year, meanwhile analysing their own performance to help improve technique. 


In Rounders, students will undertake a number of positions, starting to analyse their performance in relation to tactics and outwitting the opposing team to improve their overall performance.

Students will be able to perform effectively in athletics giving 100% in every event. They will play the role of coach giving constructive feedback to develop others and improve on previous personal best results.


Students will have the opportunity to become a captain during Tchoukball. Students will fully develop their awareness on the court and will use a range of different formations to be effective within the sport

Students will be able to use basic cricket skills to enjoy a fast paced, tactical game in diamond cricket. Students will develop tactical awareness , skills and communication as they work together to gather runs and field. Students will show a desire to improve and strive to achieve their personal best.

Quality Mark Assessments

What are the benefits of encouraging others and motivating other people? Provide a range of benefits for someone

Explain any progress from previous personal bests. What can contribute to your own improvements

Produce a three year analysis of athletics performance. Where have you improved? What year did you achieve your personal best? Why is this?

Summer Term


Students will improve their batting, catching and fielding techniques in Cricket or Rounders. Remain focussed whilst on the field they will show encouragement and remain focussed. Students are given the opportunity to lead progressive drills to a small group of peers

Students will engage in a tennis unit of work where they will learn the basic rules and regulations of the sport, including the areas of the court, as well as the basic rules for singles. They will develop their grip, stance and forehand and backhand technique and be able to make accurate decisions in competitive situations. 

In cricket, students will be introduced to how to use strategy and tactics in order to overcome opposition when batting, bowling and fielding. Students will gain the confidence to lead basic fielding drills, as well as being able to feedback to peers on how to improve their performance.

In cardio tennis students are able to improve their cardiovascular endurance while performing tennis specific skills. Through a mix of cardio tennis and tennis, students are able to enjoy improving their general fitness and wellbeing. Students will also get the chance to be creative and design their own cardio tennis activities showing leadership throughout their delivery.


Students will develop skills already acquired and start to regularly outwit opponents when fielding and batting in Cricket. Students will set up games using correct distances including the crease. Students will back up play when fielding, add spin and power when bowling and produce accurate, controlled shots consistently when batting.

Students will understand the tennis scoring system and will be able to officiate games correctly. Through practices and game play they will be able to perform forehand and backhand shots with accuracy and control.

Quality Mark Assessments

Produce a drill to teach to peers including equipment, timings and how to make it easier/ challenging.

Description of the rules and scoring system in tennis

Video analysis and interview of performance

Year 7

Key Concepts

Creating a Love for Physical Education

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


Baseline assessments

Transition Unit building on skills, knowledge and understanding at KS2, demonstrating current level of performance across a range of areas. Students will develop their knowledge in setting up and conducting fitness tests as well as strengthening their skills and tactical awareness across a range of sports

Quality Mark Assessments

To evaluate their performance in fitness tests against set data, describing how they can improve.

Autumn Term


Students will develop their analytical and evaluation skills by identifying strengths and areas for improvement across Netball or Rugby. Lessons are structured on skill development and then applied the next lesson in a game situation to outwit opponents. A range of problem solving tasks will be attempted and students should demonstrate a desire to learn and encourage others in lessons.

Quality Mark Assessments

Description of various positions and how these will benefit the game against opponents.

Spring Term


Students gain the knowledge to set their own targets and fitness goals through Health Related Exercise. They will strive to attain their personal best. Students understand the difference between muscular and aerobic endurance exercises, and how to measure their working heart rate.

They have the responsibility to create and implement their own warm ups and lead these to their peers during Football Leadership. Students will develop self confidence and respect towards their peers alongside their skill application and tactical awareness to outwit opponents in football.

Quality Mark Assessments

Planning an appropriate warm up

Spring Term


Students will work with others to create routines in Gymnastics with a range of balances and travelling movements. They will understand empathy, listen and provide feedback to develop their technique and therefore improve performance.

Students will be encouraged to improve their confidence in water by applying teaching points in a range of strokes.They should give 100% to develop their technique in Swimming

Quality Mark Assessments

A poster on the safety procedures in Boldon School Pool

Summer Term


Students will work individually to improve their performance and techniques in Athletics. They will participate in a range of track and field events, recording their scores to try and improve their personal best across Key Stage 3. Students are encouraged to motivate others to achieve their best.They will identify their strengths and give ways to improve these.

Quality Mark Assessments

What are the benefits of encouraging others and motivating other people? Provide a range of benefits for someone

Summer Term


Students will improve their batting, catching and fielding techniques in Cricket or Rounders. Remain focussed whilst on the field they will show encouragement and remain focussed. Students are given the opportunity to lead progressive drills to a small group of peers

Quality Mark Assessments

Produce a drill to teach to peers including equipment, timings and how to make it easier/ challenging.

Year 8

Key Concepts

Developing skills, embedding knowledge and understanding

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


Students will have the opportunity to develop communication and peer analysis skills, as well as their knowledge of rules football and netball, through participating in a sport education model. In addition, students’ decision-making and technical skills will also be used in order to help overcome opposition in direct competition.

In rugby, students will build on their learning from year 7 and develop their knowledge on strategy and outwitting opponents through effective team shape and structure.

Quality Mark Assessments

Analysis of a peers performance with ideas to improve

Autumn Term


Students will gain an understanding on the role of the official/s in badminton and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge through accurate application of rules and regulations. Students will learn the hand signals as well as learning how to explain certain decisions being made. 

Students will experience personal survival which will provide both physical and intellectual challenges, with the chance to develop necessary team working and problem-solving skills. Students will learn self-rescue skills as well as the Water Safety Code.

Quality Mark Assessments

Performance of hand signals and correct terminology during officiating

Spring Term


Students will enhance their knowledge of actions, dynamics and space elements, progressing on to being able to apply this learning into a choreography. Students will perform different styles of dance and therefore understand how music is composed based on feelings, mood, music etc. 

Students will develop their technique for a range of creative movements in trampolining. To enable this, they will learn how to analyse their own, and their peers’ performance. Students will be able to compare their and others’ performance against their previous, whilst demonstrating a determination to work as a part of a group

Quality Mark Assessments

Exploration of a range of dance styles, describing key differences.

Spring Term


Students will participate in parkour and gymnastics, progressing from the learning of a range of skills in year 7. Students will gain the confidence and skills to create a routine, embedding their knowledge of precision and control, linking movements together to show fluency and accuracy. Students will gain insight to recognising effective performance, regardless of ability.

Quality Mark Assessments

Analysis of their contribution to a routine and how they can improve their own performance both creatively and physically.

Summer Term


Students will be able to explain techniques for a range of athletics track and field events. As well as explaining, students will have the opportunity to compete against their scores from the previous year, meanwhile analysing their own performance to help improve technique. 


In Rounders, students will undertake a number of positions, starting to analyse their performance in relation to tactics and outwitting the opposing team to improve their overall performance.

Quality Mark Assessments

Explain any progress from previous personal bests. What can contribute to your own improvements

Summer Term


Students will engage in a tennis unit of work where they will learn the basic rules and regulations of the sport, including the areas of the court, as well as the basic rules for singles. They will develop their grip, stance and forehand and backhand technique and be able to make accurate decisions in competitive situations. 

In cricket, students will be introduced to how to use strategy and tactics in order to overcome opposition when batting, bowling and fielding. Students will gain the confidence to lead basic fielding drills, as well as being able to feedback to peers on how to improve their performance.

Quality Mark Assessments

Description of the rules and scoring system in tennis

Year 9

Key Concepts

Broadening Sporting Experiences

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


Students will develop their knowledge in Urban Rebounding through a range of muscular and aerobic endurance exercises. They will use this to create and evaluate their own session incorporating a range of exercises.


Students will perform skills more consistently in Rugby, be a role model to others through their passion for the game and explore a range of more advanced techniques and tactics.

Students will experience Volleyball to learn and perform a new range of skills to outwit opponents. They will develop their understanding of positional play,  when and how to perform particular shots

Quality Mark Assessments

The rules of a new sport and how can you adapt the tactics from previously learned sports to help you succeed

Autumn Term


Students will develop their understanding of the rules in Table Tennis/ Netball Officiating. They will show confidence when applying the rules and have a greater technical awareness. Students should be able to replicate the skills taught and apply in a game, following the instruction of the official.


Students will experience Clubbercise to perform movements with 100% effort. Students will increase their aerobic fitness and understand the effect this has on their heart rates including their recovery rate. Students coordination and movement memory will be explored and expanded.

Students will play in badminton tournaments demonstrating their knowledge of rules and regulations gained throughout KS3. Students will play competitive games, analysing their opponents to gain an advantage, showing a range of different techniques and tactics

Quality Mark Assessments

Analysis of confidence when officiating. Why is it important to be confident- what benefit will that have on the whole game?

Spring Term


Students will begin to develop a passion for American Football and will quickly understand the concept of the game. They will practice different skills and develop plays, highlighting their leadership qualities, knowledge and skill set.


Basketball skills will be introduced and developed through small-sided practices and tournaments. Students will understand defensive concepts such as man to man and zonal defence. They will use their knowledge and skills, alongside agility and power to become an effective team player within the sport. 

During pool options students will use their components of fitness to gain a competitive edge over others during games like water polo/ volleyball in the pool. They will complete various exercises using the correct technique to improve their performance. Or students may opt to take part in aqua aerobics where they will develop both their muscular and aerobic endurance in the pool.

Quality Mark Assessments

New rules: what are they? How do they affect your game play?

Spring Term


Students take ownership of their learning during leadership. They can choose the activity they would like to individually lead in. Students deliver sports sessions, delegate tasks and communicate effectively to become a confident, organized and responsible sports leader.


Students will understand the different formations and tactics when playing handball. Students will demonstrate effective jump shots and defensive techniques. They will give team talks and advise their team on how to improve.

During Trampolining

students will recall teaching points from basic moves learnt in previous years. They will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses and give constructive feedback. Students will produce more complex routines incorporating challenging moves like front somersaults.

Quality Mark Assessments

Choose your own activity to lead. Plan session and evaluate performance of peers and self

Summer Term


Students will be able to perform effectively in athletics giving 100% in every event. They will play the role of coach giving constructive feedback to develop others and improve on previous personal best results.


Students will have the opportunity to become a captain during Tchoukball. Students will fully develop their awareness on the court and will use a range of different formations to be effective within the sport

Students will be able to use basic cricket skills to enjoy a fast paced, tactical game in diamond cricket. Students will develop tactical awareness , skills and communication as they work together to gather runs and field. Students will show a desire to improve and strive to achieve their personal best.

Quality Mark Assessments

Produce a three year analysis of athletics performance. Where have you improved? What year did you achieve your personal best? Why is this?

Summer Term


In cardio tennis students are able to improve their cardiovascular endurance while performing tennis specific skills. Through a mix of cardio tennis and tennis, students are able to enjoy improving their general fitness and wellbeing. Students will also get the chance to be creative and design their own cardio tennis activities showing leadership throughout their delivery.


Students will develop skills already acquired and start to regularly outwit opponents when fielding and batting in Cricket. Students will set up games using correct distances including the crease. Students will back up play when fielding, add spin and power when bowling and produce accurate, controlled shots consistently when batting.

Students will understand the tennis scoring system and will be able to officiate games correctly. Through practices and game play they will be able to perform forehand and backhand shots with accuracy and control.

Quality Mark Assessments

Video analysis and interview of performance