Computing Key Stage 3

In year 7 students develop a range of skills that allow them to get a better understanding of different sectors of computing. Students will begin to develop their skills in 3 main areas: Digital Literacy, ICT and Computer Science. Students get to experiment with different skills so they begin to get a better understanding of what path they might prefer. Students start to get a better understanding of the basic functions of a computer system and how they function.

We also teach our Year 7 students on how they can use computers and online features safely, making them aware of the dangers that can arise using social media irresponsibly. Students will also develop their creative digital skills too by developing a range of products from a brief with a focus on graphic editing and the presentation of information on a digital document.

Year 8 students start to expand even further on some topics introduced in year 7 to get a better more in depth understanding of our subject. Students learn how legislation works with computers and using digital data and there is even more emphasis on students being aware of how to keep safe using a range of online tools. Students begin to learn how data can be used to manage businesses and organisations using spreadsheets.

Students develop an understanding of how spreadsheet skills apply to almost every career. Students start to delve further into programming by making computer programs and developing their own game in Scratch programming. Students also get a chance to learn more about the internet and how they can represent themselves in a digital environment by developing their own website.

In year 9 students get a chance to carry out multiple projects that are student led. Each project is set up in a way that would reflect a working environment with pre-production, production and post production stages. Students are reminded of careers that each unit of learning links to which keeps them engaged and thinking about future career prospects. Students create products in animation, graphics, sound and video editing.

Students approach each project with their own ideas stemming from a range of briefs that outline an overview of what they need to develop. Students delve more into research of how each product is used across a range of sectors and how the digital device allows them to develop these products. Theory is then developed even further looking at the architecture of specific hardware components and their role within a computer system. Students will also develop an even better understanding of binary data and its use within a computer system.

Year 7Year 8Year 9
Key Concepts

Exploring how technology can impact and assist our everyday living.

Developing technological solutions to real world problems

Developing working projects in a real world structured manner.

Autumn Term


E-safety, digital security and digital encryption.

Students will develop the awareness of how to stay safe when using the internet and digital devices. Students will learn how to use digital devices responsibly.

Students will also learn how to make sure private accounts are kept secure and how data can be transferred securely.

Cyber security and digital safety. Using computers Ethically and lawfully.

Students will develop their understanding of how to secure data on digital devices and their profiles.

Students will begin to understand how law fits within their use of computers and digital data to help them keep safe online.

Digital animation and frame manipulation. How digital images are represented in computers

Students will get a better understanding of how moving images are represented within a computer system.

Students will develop their understanding of pixels and frames per second and the impact it has on a moving image.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based PPT summarising threats and protection methods using technology.

Project based PPT summarising topic.

Project based work in Animation including Wick Editor and PixelArt software

Autumn Term


Editing, producing and manipulating digital graphics. How graphical data is produced by binary.

Students will learn how binary data is translated to pixels within a digital image.

Students will then learn a range of skills to develop appropriate graphical products such as logos, posters and leaflets.

Students will also develop their understanding of the importance in audience and purpose when developing these products.

Computational thinking in Scratch using a range of programming constructs.

Students will develop a range of programs that use different techniques such as sequencing, selection and iteration.

Students will develop their understanding of data structures in programming including variables, constants and arrays. Students will then use operators and logic to make decisions.

Digital video editing.

Students will develop their understanding of how videos are represented within a computer system

Students will then build on a range of skills to help them edit their own creative video.

Students will use pre and post production techniques to carry out a real world project that reflects career roles

Quality Mark Assessments

Graphic design project developing a suitable leaflet.

Project based work in Scratch programming software at:

Project based work in video editing using MS Video editor software.

Spring Term


Micro Bit visual programming language. Programming constructs

Students will develop their understanding of what is meant by programming and why it is needed.

Students will develop a range of programs using constructs such as sequencing, selection and iteration.

Website development and graphical production techniques.

Students will develop their understanding of the Internet and the World Wide Web. 

Students will then develop skills that build towards one large website, such as navigation methods and interactive features.

Graphic development, manipulation and production techniques.

Students will learn about how digital images are created with a range of data including binary, bit and pixel depth.

Students will learn to create original digital assets here and modify existing digital graphics to make them completely unique with an emphasis on Copyright, Design and Patents Act.

Quality Mark Assessments

Program code project development at:

Website development project. Created in RocketCake software.

Project based work on Graphic editing in Serif Affinity software.

Spring Term


Computer systems, software and networking data.

Students will develop their understanding of a computer system and the hardware components needed for a basic computer to fully function.

Students will then get a better understanding of software that can be used on a computer. Students will then get a better understanding of how networks are built including a good understanding of how data is transferred and the hardware needed to set up a network.

Data structure and manipulation in spreadsheet software. Logical Operations with the use of data.

Students will begin to understand how data should be structured in a way that can be managed with ease.

Students will use a range of tools in spreadsheet to manage data such as IF statements, Vlookups and logical operators to manage how data is displayed.

Sound production, manipulation and development

Students will develop their understanding of digital audio which is created through sampling and binary data. 

Students will then develop their own sound project using professional sound editing software. Projects like radio adverts or podcasts are done to reflect real world careers.

Quality Mark Assessments

End of unit test from theory behind computers: .

Project based work in MS Excel.

Project based work in sound editing using Audacity software.

Summer Term


Control systems using Flowol, Abstraction and Decomposition to make algorithms.

Students will develop flowchart algorithms to show the function and steps that an embedded system would need to follow.

Students will develop their understanding of how diagrams can help map out a complex system.

Computer Architecture, System Software, Network Management and Binary Data.

Students will build on their knowledge of computer hardware by delving into memory, storage and components in more detail.

Students will learn how protocols are used to manage how data is sent across a network.

Students will learn how binary is used to represent data in a range of formats this includes numbers, text and images

Multimedia project including analysis, design, production and reviewing a range of digital artifacts.

Students will be expected to draw from a range of previous topics in this unit combining a range of skills to complete one big project from a scenario.

Students will be expected to plan, produce, test and evaluate the product they have made using a range of software.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based algorithm evidenced in Flowol software.

End of unit test. Content can be found:

Project based work across a range of different software based on a given scenario

Summer Term


Data management and how data is structured within Databases. How data is stored, managed and modified.

Students will develop their understanding of data types and how data is used by industry.

Students will develop skills in database management including tables, reports, forms and queries.

Text programming in VB with selection, iteration, variables, sensing and operators

Students will begin a text based programming language learning how to use previous constructs in a more complex method. 

Students will get a better understanding of how real world programs are developed with an emphasis on debugging.

System Architecture, Networking systems and security with data representation.

Students expand on their understanding of hardware by looking into how the CPU fetches, decodes and executes instructions for the computer to follow.

Students will learn how LAN’s and WAN’s play a part in a digital world when transferring data. Students will also learn about threats to a network and how to prevent them.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based assessment in Microsoft Access.

Project based assessment in Visual Basic.

End of unit test.

Year 7

Key Concepts

Exploring how technology can impact and assist our everyday living.

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


E-safety, digital security and digital encryption.

Students will develop the awareness of how to stay safe when using the internet and digital devices. Students will learn how to use digital devices responsibly.

Students will also learn how to make sure private accounts are kept secure and how data can be transferred securely.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based PPT summarising threats and protection methods using technology.

Autumn Term


Editing, producing and manipulating digital graphics. How graphical data is produced by binary.

Students will learn how binary data is translated to pixels within a digital image.

Students will then learn a range of skills to develop appropriate graphical products such as logos, posters and leaflets.

Students will also develop their understanding of the importance in audience and purpose when developing these products.

Quality Mark Assessments

Graphic design project developing a suitable leaflet.

Spring Term


Micro Bit visual programming language. Programming constructs

Students will develop their understanding of what is meant by programming and why it is needed.

Students will develop a range of programs using constructs such as sequencing, selection and iteration.

Quality Mark Assessments

Program code project development at:

Spring Term


Computer systems, software and networking data.

Students will develop their understanding of a computer system and the hardware components needed for a basic computer to fully function.

Students will then get a better understanding of software that can be used on a computer. Students will then get a better understanding of how networks are built including a good understanding of how data is transferred and the hardware needed to set up a network.

Quality Mark Assessments

End of unit test from theory behind computers: .

Summer Term


Control systems using Flowol, Abstraction and Decomposition to make algorithms.

Students will develop flowchart algorithms to show the function and steps that an embedded system would need to follow.

Students will develop their understanding of how diagrams can help map out a complex system.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based algorithm evidenced in Flowol software.

Summer Term


Data management and how data is structured within Databases. How data is stored, managed and modified.

Students will develop their understanding of data types and how data is used by industry.

Students will develop skills in database management including tables, reports, forms and queries.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based assessment in Microsoft Access.

Year 8

Key Concepts

Developing technological solutions to real world problems

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


Cyber security and digital safety. Using computers Ethically and lawfully.

Students will develop their understanding of how to secure data on digital devices and their profiles.

Students will begin to understand how law fits within their use of computers and digital data to help them keep safe online.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based PPT summarising topic.

Autumn Term


Computational thinking in Scratch using a range of programming constructs.

Students will develop a range of programs that use different techniques such as sequencing, selection and iteration.

Students will develop their understanding of data structures in programming including variables, constants and arrays. Students will then use operators and logic to make decisions.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based work in Scratch programming software at:

Spring Term


Website development and graphical production techniques.

Students will develop their understanding of the Internet and the World Wide Web. 

Students will then develop skills that build towards one large website, such as navigation methods and interactive features.

Quality Mark Assessments

Website development project. Created in RocketCake software.

Spring Term


Data structure and manipulation in spreadsheet software. Logical Operations with the use of data.

Students will begin to understand how data should be structured in a way that can be managed with ease.

Students will use a range of tools in spreadsheet to manage data such as IF statements, Vlookups and logical operators to manage how data is displayed.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based work in MS Excel.

Summer Term


Computer Architecture, System Software, Network Management and Binary Data.

Students will build on their knowledge of computer hardware by delving into memory, storage and components in more detail.

Students will learn how protocols are used to manage how data is sent across a network.

Students will learn how binary is used to represent data in a range of formats this includes numbers, text and images

Quality Mark Assessments

End of unit test. Content can be found:

Summer Term


Text programming in VB with selection, iteration, variables, sensing and operators

Students will begin a text based programming language learning how to use previous constructs in a more complex method. 

Students will get a better understanding of how real world programs are developed with an emphasis on debugging.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based assessment in Visual Basic.

Year 9

Key Concepts

Developing working projects in a real world structured manner.

Quality Mark Assessments

Autumn Term


Digital animation and frame manipulation. How digital images are represented in computers

Students will get a better understanding of how moving images are represented within a computer system.

Students will develop their understanding of pixels and frames per second and the impact it has on a moving image.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based work in Animation including Wick Editor and PixelArt software

Autumn Term


Digital video editing.

Students will develop their understanding of how videos are represented within a computer system

Students will then build on a range of skills to help them edit their own creative video.

Students will use pre and post production techniques to carry out a real world project that reflects career roles

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based work in video editing using MS Video editor software.

Spring Term


Graphic development, manipulation and production techniques.

Students will learn about how digital images are created with a range of data including binary, bit and pixel depth.

Students will learn to create original digital assets here and modify existing digital graphics to make them completely unique with an emphasis on Copyright, Design and Patents Act.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based work on Graphic editing in Serif Affinity software.

Spring Term


Sound production, manipulation and development

Students will develop their understanding of digital audio which is created through sampling and binary data. 

Students will then develop their own sound project using professional sound editing software. Projects like radio adverts or podcasts are done to reflect real world careers.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based work in sound editing using Audacity software.

Summer Term


Multimedia project including analysis, design, production and reviewing a range of digital artifacts.

Students will be expected to draw from a range of previous topics in this unit combining a range of skills to complete one big project from a scenario.

Students will be expected to plan, produce, test and evaluate the product they have made using a range of software.

Quality Mark Assessments

Project based work across a range of different software based on a given scenario

Summer Term


System Architecture, Networking systems and security with data representation.

Students expand on their understanding of hardware by looking into how the CPU fetches, decodes and executes instructions for the computer to follow.

Students will learn how LAN’s and WAN’s play a part in a digital world when transferring data. Students will also learn about threats to a network and how to prevent them.

Quality Mark Assessments

End of unit test.